risk assessment


Perform analysis of the risk levels identified on the processing performed, the internal and external assets involved in the processing, and the security measures implemented. It is a valuable tool to periodically assess LPD Compliance, identifying any gaps to be mitigated and supporting you in your compliance journey



Context analysis

Analyze the context in which the Data Controller operates in order to be able to identify the main threats to which one might be exposed

Interrogazioni Temporali

Monitora l'avanzamento ed il mantenimento del livello di Compliance

Impact analysis

Identifies the impact that data subjects might be affected by the processing

Likelihood analysis

Calculates the likelihood of occurrence of an event that could compromise the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of processed personal data

Risk analysis

Assesses, using checklists based on internationally recognized standards, the risk levels of individual treatments

Indici di Performance

Monitora l'avanzamento ed il mantenimento del livello di Compliance

Context analysis

Analyze the context in which the Data Controller operates in order to be able to identify the main threats to which one might be exposed

Impact analysis

Identifies the impact that data subjects might be affected by the processing

Likelihood analysis

Calculates the likelihood of occurrence of an event that could compromise the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of processed personal data

Risk analysis

Assesses, using checklists based on internationally recognized standards, the risk levels of individual treatments